Our Response to Answered Prayers
A friend of mine sends me a short devotional every morning (sweet right?), and this morning I thought these 2 questions based on the given scripture (pictured above) would be great ones to ask yourself while journaling. Here's some of what the devotion read:
Jesus was telling Peter that forces were trying to keep him from his destiny, but He had prayed for Peter, and he was going to make it through. Then Jesus said something important. “When you have turned again, when you’re out of this trial, when you’re on the other side with the victory, healed, promoted, and restored, then strengthen your brothers.” Whatever God has brought you through, whatever He’s turned around, whatever He’s made happen that you couldn’t make happen, that’s an opportunity to strengthen someone. Every blessing, every healing, every breakthrough was not just designed for you. It was to strengthen your brothers.
There are some other things that stand out to me in the scripture, however I want you to go where you're lead after asking yourself these 2 questions. Knowing that your story has the power to set someone else free, how do you respond after God has moved on your behalf?