
What do you do exactly?
What we do is write and design faith based and family friendly books, journals, and study materials. We also publish works from other authors. Each writing is selected with this principal in mind: Igniting the desire to study and learn values and skills that enrich lives. It's our goal to help others become better stewards of every area in their lives by providing a space, services and products.
Who do you do it for?
The young women we connect with are the ones who are interested in improving their quality of life, one who is a teacher and imparts positive lessons they have learned. Also, one who is a cheerleader for other women. They not only encourage themselves, but others as well. We also are interested in the broken women who are looking for something different to lift them up. We connect with these young women and so the materials are published with them in mind.
Why do you do it?
Let me ask a question; do you believe that we are losing citizens with standards and integrity and that there is an increase in people who feel hopeless?
Do you believe that having a circle of judgment free, loving and encouraging people would make a difference in the lives of those individuals, thus helping some of these issues?
The fact is we live in a world where people feel lost, judged, forgotten, entitled, angry and some who just don’t care. They may never step foot in a church or pick up a bible, but there are teachings that can encourage those people, impart wisdom, and influence standards and morals. There are life experiences that can be shared that result in the same outcome; being introduced to Christ.
Because we are all connected to different circles, my hope it that the women we connect with will be those overlapping portions in a Venn diagram, and that their wisdom creates a ripple effect within each of their communities to encourage others. Whether it’s a novel, children’s book, journal or workshop, I want people to take away positive life applications and be met with the love of God.
We look forward to connecting and growing with each of you.